的 工商管理学士 集中管理培养学生对管理职能的认识, 在本地和全球环境中的理论和技能.
Students learn to use both quantitative and behavioral methods to achieve organizational goals through effective utilization of human and material resources. 个别课程让学生通过案例分析来解决问题, simulation and experiential methods to foster an appreciation of different management approaches in a variety of systems.
在 工商管理学士 program you’ll combine core courses in the business disciplines with electives that will customize your own program of study for your chosen concentration.
我们的课程也被认证 促进大学商学院协会. AACSB International accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in management and business education. 它代表了全球商学院的最高成就标准, 它承认商学院提供高质量的商业课程. 有适当的程序来确保将来的持续改进. 的refore students and alumni can be proud of earning a degree from an institution that has taken its place among other world-wide leaders in business education.
的 Minor in 工商管理 consists of a sequence of six required courses designed to provide the foundation for the degree-seeking student desiring a business supplement to a non-business degree program. 除了 to providing a general knowledge of business practices and terminology this program prepares a student to take additional business courses either at the undergraduate or graduate level. Faculty members from the 商学院 are available to advise students about career opportunities and further study beyond the requirements for the minor in 工商管理. 所有课程为三个学时课程:
课程 | Title |
BA 203 | 商业统计与数据分析 |
BA 211 | 会计原理1 |
BA 212 | 会计原理2 |
BA 307 | 管理与组织行为学导论 |
EC 211 | 宏观经济学原理 |
EC 212 | 微观经济学原理 |
的职业 & 专业发展人员帮助雪兰多学生搜索和申请 实习 与他们的专业和职业目标相关. 实习 在你未来找工作的过程中,让自己与众不同, 提供你所在领域的实践澳门网上赌博平台, 让你根据自己的专业选择不同的职业道路, 并帮助你在毕业前找到一份适合你的工作.
- 销售客户经理:63,500美元
- 软件产品经理:96,650美元
- 业务发展总监:12.7万美元
- 财务分析师:55,497美元
- 运营经理:65000美元
- 高级产品经理:141,069美元
- 业务拓展经理:10.5万美元
- 管理顾问:114,882美元
职业生涯 & 专业发展 provides a comprehensive range of 服务s and resources to assist Shenandoah students in their career search. 提供的服务包括制作简历和求职信, 模拟面试, 以及专业的用餐礼仪工作坊.
的 工商管理学士 学位要求学生完成30学分的通识教育课程, 42学时的商业相关课程和24门非商业选修课程. 除了, 管理 Concentration students are also required to complete 24 credit hours of 管理-focused business elective course work including:
BA-422 |
当代管理学问题 |
BA-429 |
领导 & 文化变革 |
BA-493 |
高级管理理论 & 实践 |
Students must also choose a maximum of 6 credit hours (2 courses) from the following list:
BA-393 |
小型企业管理 & 创业 |
BA-431 |
项目管理 |
BA-442 |
采购 & 供应链管理 |
BA-446 |
物流 & 分销管理 |
BA-454 |
创新 & 设计思考 |
BA-455 |
国际业务 |
Finally, students will choose a minimum of 3 credit hours (1 course) from the following list:
BA-394 |
学生在自由企业(SIFE)研讨会 |
BA-456 |
国际商务研讨会(GEL) |
BA-498 |
商业实习(有管理岗位) |
学习支持服务提供给所有学生在每门课程谢南多厄. Free peer tutoring with a student who has previously succeeded in the course is available for any course across the university. 的 Writing Center is available for every stage of the writing process from thesis development to proofreading and bibliography assistance. 数学浓缩中心提供数学和科学援助. Professors and Academic Advisors across the university also have office hours and open door policies to ensure Shenandoah students succeed academically.
荣誉课程是一个多学科的荣誉课程,适合有好奇心的学生, 有创意的, 自我激励, 并且渴望参与他们的教育和社区.
Not only do 荣誉项目 students partake in honors courses that emphasize collaboration, 服务, 和沟通, but they will also have the opportunity to develop aspects of the program based on their own interests and goals. 通过参加荣誉课程,你将获得这些工具, knowledge and experiences necessary to make meaningful contributions to your community – whether it be globally, 在本地, 或者具体到你一生的工作. 你将有机会学习独特的课程, exciting experiences and a community of peers and faculty who never stop asking questions and striving for excellence.
商学院的学生和他们的教授之间有一种特殊的纽带. Students enjoy close professional relationships with academically and professionally experienced faculty who mentor them in and out of the classroom. 这仍然是澳门网上赌博平台商业教育的一个标志. 学生也受益于我们的 executives-in-residence who works with both professors and students to broaden the student’s focus beyond the classroom.
我们有2+1选项! 如果你是一个有两年大学学分的转校生, you can take advantage of the 2+1 option that allows you to transition from an associate of arts degree in business to the BBA degree and subsequently the 工商管理硕士 degree – all in five years!
看看我们的4+1选项! If you’re enrolled in Shenandoah’s four-year 工商管理学士 program, you can take advantage of the 4+1 option to earn an 工商管理硕士 with one additional year of classes.
作为谢南多工商管理硕士的学生,你会自动被考虑进入我们的工商管理硕士课程. 如果你符合条件,你将被通知接受 保证入学前工商管理硕士课程!
让出国留学成为你大学生活的亮点! 无论你去一年, 一个学期, 或者只是几个星期, 你永远不会忘记在另一种文化中的学习! 的 Center for International 项目 is here to help you plan your study abroad experience. Start your planning early to ensure the courses you complete abroad count toward your degree and you graduate on time.
的 全球体验式学习计划 offers Shenandoah students a short-term, faculty-led, 有海外留学经历,获得学分. 这些短期, credit-bearing, 教师主导的项目提供寒假, 春假, 在夏天. 如果一门课程不是你的专业,它可以作为选修课.
澳门网上赌博平台是国际学生交流计划(ISEP)的成员。, 由300所大学组成的全球网络. This partnership allows students to study for a full semester or year at other member campuses abroad. 通过与他们的学术顾问和留学顾问密切合作, 学生可以在获得谢南多学分的同时,在国外学习英语授课.
澳门线上赌博平台大学 also maintains direct partnerships with several universities around the world. 的se relationships allow students from SU to study abroad as exchange students and students from these universities to study at SU. 所有合作大学都提供英语授课课程.
想要出国留学的商科学生应该考虑在Audencia学习. 位于南特市, 法国, 距离巴黎2小时车程, Audencia is an AACSB accredited university that specializes in courses in Business and 大众传媒.
的 January Business exchange program with SU partner university Audencia in 法国 provides an experience of a lifetime while completing undergraduate or graduate credit hours. 通过课程, 城市旅游, 参观公司, you will have the opportunity to strengthen your knowledge and understanding of European management practices and the European market. 所有课程都用英语授课.